Thursday, July 28, 2011

Concord River - Back on SuAsCo Waters

Egg Rock was looking rather nice early this morning as I found myself back on familiar waters.  In the photo at left my boat is in the Concord River and the view is looking upriver with the Assabet on the right and the Sudbury to the left.  After snapping the photo, I turned about and began heading down the Concord as far as Ball's Hill.
I began seeing cardinal flowers along the riverbank which is a reminder that August will soon be upon us...

A little further downstream was a larger patch of them...

Also in bloom are the buttonbush flowers...

On this day I would see my first American woodcock in the wild...

These turtles looked to be different species...

Other creatures seen were Canada geese, blue herons, mallards, a musquash, and a belted kingfisher.

By the time I arrived back upriver my trash count had reached 52 pieces of trash and they assembled alongside my boat's hull...
Today's breakdown: 29 recyclable containers (10 redeemable) and 23 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish such as styrofoam bait tubs, half of a plastic bucket, a flower pot, and a vintage looking bottle of "Old Spice".
My YTD total stands at 4085.

1 comment:

warriormom said...

Great picture of the woodcock! It's a wonder you saw it. I almost stepped on a nesting one once, but haven't come across one since.