This past year got underway in January for me with a good hot-stove reading of A Journey Into Mohawk and Oneida Country 1634 - 1635 The Journal of Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert. It was my favorite read of the year and, like any really good first-hand account, it transported me to another place and time and cast the die for a springtime trip there. The trip came 3 months later and brought me to the most distant waters from my home I'd experience in 2022...paddling the Mohawk River at my westernmost turnaround point downstream of the Erie Canal's Lock 13 near Yosts, NY...
The previous day I walked the grounds where the Mohawk palisaded village Caughnawaga stood in present-day Fonda, NY, and later visited another Mohawk village TE-NO-TO-GE...
After years of reading about the Mohawks and their always contentious relationship with the Algonkian peoples of my region, I finally got to experience a bit of the Mohawk world in their namesake river valley including Cohoes Falls and the Hudson/Mohawk rivers confluence.
Forts seemed to be a theme this year with visits to several French/English forts: Fort St. Frederic/Crown Point and Fort Carillon/Fort Ticonderoga both on Lake Champlain. Other forts paddled to included the Connecticut River's Fort Dummer and Fort Pickering at the entrance to Salem Harbor in Massachusetts.
Closer to home I paddled some new-to-me sections of the Merrimack River between Hunt's Falls in Lowell, MA...
...and the Great Stone Dam in Lawrence.
Also closer to home was my first paddle of Lost Lake in Groton, MA...visited in the shoulder season when there was less boat traffic on the water.
Otherwise it was my usual haunts which for the most part are within a 20-mile radius of my home where water levels stayed on the low side for much of the year.
Trash was fairly typical with plastic bottles, balloons, and nip bottles being about the same as last year. There did seem to be less Styrofoam cups perhaps thanks to Dunkin Donuts switch to a more environmentally friendly material for their coffee cups.
The trash hotspot of the year was once again the stretch of the Nashua River between Route 117 in Lancaster and Ice House Dam in Ayer, MA. A total of 1,019 nip bottles were gathered up from this stretch of river compared with only 413 from all other waterways combined. Here's a typical haul from this perennial hotspot...
Some of the more unusual flotsam I came across in 2022 were 5 USPS mail crates full of mail found in a half-mile stretch of the Concord River. Each crate had been placed into a plastic trash bag before being tossed into the river...
Other oddities included a Disco Ball in the Merrimack River, and a Smoker's Outpost butt disposal receptacle in the Assabet River.
The drought of 2022 resulted in the recovery of some fairly old glass bottles from local rivers. These five bottles are contenders for oldest find of the year: a Clicquot Club of Millis crown-top soda bottle (Concord R.), a Ginter Co. Importers of Boston whiskey bottle (Concord R.), a Thatchers Mfg. Co. pint milk bottle (Sudbury R.), a C.I. Hood Sarsaparilla of Lowell bottle (Concord R.) and a J.M. McManus of Hopkinton blob-top soda/beer bottle (Sudbury R.). All of them quite likely date to the early 1900's or possibly late 1800's. I'm guessing the Sarsaparilla bottle is the oldest and likely dates to 1890...
The most unusual wildlife encounter came when I dipped my arms into the salty waters between Danvers and Salem harbors...and felt little objects bouncing off my skin. These transparent little organisms seen on my spray deck below turned out to be Salps...
...a creature I'd neither seen nor heard of to this point in my life. According to Wikipedia they're a barrel-shaped, "plantic tunicates" and their life cycle is complex.
Another first-ever wildlife encounter was the Star-nosed Mole seen swimming close to shore at Concord River's Fordway Bar. Other wildlife encounters were a northern water snake on the Assabet and a lone river otter on the Sudbury. Also, speaking of wildlife, it was great to witness another pair of eaglets successfully fledge from the Assabet River's eagle nest.
Happy Holidays to all fellow trash paddlers and other waterway travelers and best wishes for a great 2023!