This past week provided two pleasant paddling opportunities where I saw Old Man Winter and his ice sheets in full retreat.
On Monday blue skies and warm temperatures (50s F) were enjoyed while ascending a wide-open Sudbury River from its confluence with the Assabet at Egg Rock. As I neared Fairhaven Bay I began seeing portions of thicker ice along the shore. On one such ice shelf was the picked-clean skeleton of an unfortunate white-tailed deer...
...perhaps the work of coyotes or an eagle?
Fairhaven Bay itself was still iced-over and blocked (opening photo), and ice fishermen were drilling holes on the bay's east side...
A pair of mergansers stayed close to water's edge...
A beaver did the same...
This pair of hawks kept to the trees...
Yesterday's record-breaking warmth with temperatures in the mid 60's F. allowed for getting out on the Assabet River in Stow. Even the sky seemed a little confused as to which season we're in...
The river was high and moving swiftly in places. The gauge at Maynard showed 3.75'.
I was a little surprised to see wide-open water between Gardner Hill and Crow Island...
Coming eye to eye with my first red-winged blackbird of the year confirmed a new cycle has begun...
Additional confirmation was seeing this dark-eyed eagle perched next to last year's nest...
Other wildlife encountered yesterday were mergansers, wood ducks, a belted kingfisher, hawks, Canada geese, blue herons, and a musquash.
Monday saw a very small amount of trash...
Yesterday saw an uptick...
Although a snowstorm is predicted for tomorrow I am, nonetheless, thinking that river-blocking ice formations are done for this winter. Knocking on wood as I say this.