Shoved off from shore on New Year's Day in Stow, MA and paddled the Assabet River under gathering clouds. There was not a crystal of ice nor flake of snow to be seen. Just the way I like it. My hope is that a delayed winter will be a short winter.
A few hours later the clouds had dispersed and the afternoon proved a beauty...
The first person I encountered out on the river in 2024 was a duck hunter returning downriver in his kayak. He reported having witnessed a spectacular sunrise several hours earlier.
Two days later on Wednesday I launched into the Nashua River at Petapawag...
Here things were reversed with the morning's bright sunshine rapidly fading behind clouds.
One small island hosted this large nest...
An adult eagle was seen flying past the same island...
A fellow paddler I ran into at the boat launch mentioned having heard a deceased adult eagle was recently found in this area of the Nashua River. I believe he said that birdshot was the cause. If true, I can't imagine how one would feel upon discovering they'd mistakenly shot our national bird.
Now three days into the new year, and after a few cold mornings, ice was beginning to take hold again in this large cut-off oxbow...
The first trash of the new year included one balloon and 7 miniatures...
Trash from Wednesday included 57 miniatures...