I believe it was Mr. Curley Howard who when asked by his brother Moe, "Since when have you had a weak back?" replied, "Oh, since about a week back!" Curley could have been describing my situation exactly. So, despite a little lingering soreness under my right shoulder, I couldn't resist a chance to get out on the water under today's clear blue skies and enjoy some real "Indian Summer" conditions.
I launched at 7am and began heading upriver as the sun steadily climbed above the treetops to my left. At Heaths Bridge, a brief shore raid produced about 10 pieces of fairly old looking trash that was, up until recently, hidden under geenery.
Fairhaven Bay belonged to two guys fishing from a canoe and myself. Paddling slowly along the east shore of Brooke Island produced another 4 old beer cans. One was a Carling Black Label can made in Canada rather than the local plant that once stood near the shore of Lake Cochituate in Natick.
After reaching Lee's Bridge, I turned around and began the trip downriver. Encountered a guy fishing from a 'sit-on-top' boat made by Ocean Kayak. Looked like a pretty good setup to fish from.
Wildlife observed on the trip up to Lee's Bridge included numerous mallards, Canada geese, belted kingfishers, and blue herons. The downriver trip allowed me the privilege of watching an osprey make 4 plunges into the waters of Fairhaven Bay. Each plunge had him in the water for 3 or 4 seconds. After the fourth plunge he flew to a tree in the bay's sw corner from which he took flight just as I snapped this photo...

Two red-tailed hawks patrolled the skies over the ne corner of the bay and some white gulls with black wingtips were seen to the north of Brooke Island.
The painter of today's Fairhaven Bay backdrop worked from a palette of blues, greens, and browns...

An eastern bluebird was seen near Heaths Bridge with a group of other small birds, perhaps other bluebirds.
'Dixit et Fecit' was in my thoughts today as he battles against a recent onslaught of illness. Like Beowulf, he'll be triumphant! Actually, they may have known each other as kids growing up in Waltham.
At my takeout location, the day's small catch posed in the sun...
The count was 22 pieces of trash. Of these 9 were recyclable (8 redeemable) and 13 were misc. rubbish such as styrofoam bait tubs and plastic bags. My YTD total stands at 4645.
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