Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Salty Farewell to Daylight Saving Time

I wasn't the only one soaking up the last rays of Daylight Saving Time on the Danvers River, this afternoon.  Upon finishing my day's work in Danvers, it made sense to launch my boat at Pope's Landing in Danversport and paddle against the incoming tide towards the bridge connecting Beverly and Salem...

Mixed in with the many cormorants was this loon...
A belted kingfisher was seen when I returned to Pope's Landing just before sunset.

Sadly, late afternoon paddles such as today's will be a lot more difficult to fit in with sunsets at 4:30.

On a more positive note, I was skunked in regards to encountering any trash.  There was none at the launch site, and none out on the water.  Nice, for a change.

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