Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Assabet River in Pompositticut Pre-Freeze

Remembering how early this section of the Assabet River froze last year, had me getting in a trash patrol while things are still in liquid form.  After a cold start, things were warming up nicely by forenoon when I launched at White Pond Road on the Maynard/Stow town line.  The photo at left was taken shortly after and attests to the ideal conditions.  Almost no wind and blue skies!
My upriver patrol to Fort Meadow Brook was about as close to ideal as is possible.  While there was trash, it was spreadout fairly evenly along the route.

Other boaters encountered today included a fisherman in a small powerboat and a trapper who was seeking to capture musquash (aka muskrats).  Here he is paddling his motorized canoe close to the river's bank...
He reported less than desired results, but was still enjoying a great day out on the river.

Wildlife seen on the river today included mute swans, Canada geese, wood ducks and mallards, small woodpeckers, a belted kingfisher, blue herons, and a red-tailed hawk.  The hawk had the best seat in the house...

All too soon, I found myself back at White Pond Road...

And my day's catch of 50 spilled forth...

There were 27 recyclable containers (11 redeemable) and 23 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish such as styrofoam, plastic wrappers, nip bottles, a soccer ball, and a little red balloon.  TYD total = 6163.

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