Thursday, November 2, 2017

November Right on Cue

Yesterday afternoon once the dust had settled from October's "Big Blow", I launched into the Concord River at Lowell Road. 

The boat launch there features a new kiosk...
..with brochures on the Sudbury River (provided by OARS), and the river confluence area (provided by the Town of Concord).

Before heading downriver, I paddled up to a very November-looking Egg Rock (opening photo) and checked the water level at the inscription...
...noting it was a good foot higher than it was just last Saturday.

The rapid rise of the river had caught some folks by surprise as this "ghost yak"...
...and outboard gasoline tank tethered to a wood pallet attest...

The afternoon's light fit well with the season at the Old Manse Boathouse...
...and approaching Great Meadows...

A fair amount of floating Styrofoam and plastic containers was gathered up along the way...

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