Sunday, October 29, 2017

Finding a Lower Gear

Yesterday, out on the lower Assabet River, I discovered my paddling transmission had an even lower gear than I'd previously been aware of.   Better yet, I didn't even have to double-clutch when downshifting into it.  Perhaps this musk turtle played a role in helping me to find it...
...or maybe it was this stoic fellow...

Regardless, the day was a beauty.

Thanks to the week's very welcome rainstorm the river is, once again, on the rise...

There's still some glow from fall foliage in places...
...and this small cove provided an idyllic spot for taking a lunch break...

After paddling upriver I arrived at the MBTA bridge in West Concord where the Assabet chugged under the bridge while an outbound train chugged across it...

The trash encountered along the way...

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