Thursday, December 22, 2011

Greeting Old Man Winter on the Ipswich River

Since Old Man Winter chose to arrive in such a good natured manner today, the least I could do was to paddle out on the Ipswich River to greet him, after work.  So, I did just that and a good time was had by all.  After launching at Mortalo's Landing in Middleton, I paddled up river for about a mile before heading back downstream.  The sun was sinking fast and provided some horizontal illumination of this ridge...

Very little trash was encountered.  Only 14 pieces...
There were 9 recyclable containers and 5 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish.  YTD = 7356


Erik Eckilson said...

Looking forward to some paddling today on the Farmington River in CT. Rain and in the mid 40's - doesn't seem like winter, but I'll take it.

Merry Christmas Al.

Al said...

Erik, Hope you enjoy being out on the Farmington River today. Almost time for someone to paddle wearing a Santa suit!
I'm growing fond of this La Nina thing.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

Harry said...

Was out and about down in MA on a present-hunt yesterday. The weather was incredible. Waking up to this morning's dusting of snow was a shock -- oh yeah, it -is- winter!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you & yours.

Al said...

Harry, Yes, yesterday was surreal! Sounds like the other shoe dropped on you guys, this morning. Down here it stayed rain till the end.
A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family!

suep said...

Perhaps you will be able to do a Christmas Day paddle this year...
we have absolutely no snow in the Lake George area, as of today -- (it's raining right now)-
wishing a happy holiday to you and your family !
Sue P

Al said...

Sue, Thank you and a very Merry Christmas to you as well. That's surprising to hear that there's no snow up near the Adirondacks. Weird! Those Polar Bear swimmers might have an easy plunge this year.