Early this morning I launched my boat onto the lower Sudbury River and trash patrolled down to Egg Rock where I veered to the left in order to ascend the Assabet River to Nashoba Brook. The opening photo shows Dodge Rock earning its name and was taken on my return trip.
On the way to Egg Rock, where the Reformatory Branch of the B & M Railroad used to cross the Sudbury River, I encountered this heron which I believe is a juvenile black-crowned night heron...

The heron allowed me to get very close while it went about hunting...

In addition to this (unusual for me to see) heron were the usual blue herons, belted kingfishers, wood ducks, and Canada geese.
Trash was a bit heavier than typical with a new batch having been sent downriver as a result of yesterday's rainstorm. Clouds still lingered but seemed to be lightening up as the morning progressed.
Upon reaching the confluence of the Assabet and Nashoba Brook, I turned around and began the much easier trip downriver, travelling now with the flow rather than against it.
On the way back to my takeout location, with 75 pieces of trash onboard, I landed on a small beach where we all got out and stretched our legs...

Of the 75, 42 were recyclable (27 redeemable) and 33 were rubbish such as styrofoam, plastic bags, etc. My YTD total stands at 3631. Note: Clicking on photos enlarges image.
By the way, thanks to fellow trashpaddler Sharon for letting me know that the River Road launch site is in Wayland rather than Sudbury. For years I mistakenly thought I was in Sudbury when using this launch site.
Is not knowing [for sure] where you are a new experience for the Trash Paddler?
Hardly, though it is a little disconcerting when it happens in my own backyard so to speak. I would have bet and lost money on that one!
An avid reader of your posts. Fascinated with your photography and "Gift of Gab" passed on today.
You never knew him but he never missed any of your adventures.
As an observer of God's wonderments, pause to wish him well. He will know.
hey, i mean its been 5 years since the last post but i thought i would share this with you. My buddies and i were fishing at a nice spot along the Merrimack in Methuen MA. There was a pretty full trash bag at the spot for some time and most people seemed to use it or try to. The other night we went night fishing some kids must of grabbed the bottom of the bag and dumped out all the trash. It made the spot look horrible and mad me furious. I picked up all the trash and fishing line that was dumped out and put it back in the bag then hauled the bag up to the road and put it in the bin which is handled by city workers. Thought i would share, SAVE THE EARTH, sometimes humans really SUCK! lol
Anonymous, Thanks for taking the time and effort to do what needed doing. Nice job.
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