Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunrise Patrol on the Sudbury River

On Sunday, May 18 th, I trash patrolled the Sudbury River from Rt. 62 to Weir Hill and back. It was my first sunrise paddle of the season. It was also during the time of a full moon. Trash was sparse which was nice for a change. Bt the time I reached Fairhaven Bay, I had only 4 pieces of trash under my deck bungees.

Going by Brooke Island, I caught site of a small doe walking along the island's shore. I crossed the bay and soon came upon 3 young bucks on river left, near the landing at the conservation trail.

About a 1/2 mile upstream of the new Lee's Bridge, I watched an osprey hover over a section of river.

Turned around at the beaver lodges upstream of Weir Hill and headed back downstream. Stopped near Clamshell Bank to visit with a special someone staying in Emerson Hospital. Thanks to cell phones, we were able to visit, she at the hallway window, me below on the river.

Reaching my takeout location, it was nice to note that I had encountered more wildlife than trash.

Total pieces of trash 5. YTD = 1128

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