Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer's Full Measure


Started the last full week of July with a Monday morning paddle on the Nashua River from Petapawag in Groton, MA...

The last mile or so before reaching the dam in East Pepperell required following a pathway through mats of floating water chestnut plants...

The pathway was clear right up to the dam ...

On Thursday got out on the Concord River from Bedford, MA under cloudy skies...

Finished the week with a pre-dawn launch into the Assabet River in Stow, MA  allowing me to watch the sun rise over Crow Island...

Wildlife seen during the week included this gaping blue heron amidst the pickerelweed...

...a pair of tree-top great egrets...

...a solitary hawk...

...and this recently fledged eaglet still hanging around the nest...

Cardinal flowers are in full bloom... well as purple loosestrife...

With summer in full measure it will be interesting to see the fate of 2 bills pending before the current Massachusetts Legislative session.  The session will end July 31st. One bill (S525) addresses single-use plastics (bags, straws, balloons, and "nip" bottles) while the other bill (S2838) includes a provision to expand/modify our Massachusetts "Bottle Bill".  Redemption value would be increased from a nickel to a dime.  Will Speaker of the House Mariano and Senate President Spilka allow either of these bills to come to a vote?  Hope springs eternal.  

Trash from Monday included another 15 "nips"...

Trash from Thursday...

Trash from Saturday had another 2 "nips"...

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