Got out on three rivers this past week. When combined, the rivers' names sound like they could've been used as the name of a regional railroad (at least to the ear of this railfan). The Merrimack, Nashua, and Concord Railroad? My week started with a Monday morning paddle on the Merrimack River between the Route 113 bridge in Tyngsborough, MA...
...and a point near Spit Brook Rd. in Nashua, NH. As I crossed the state line into New Hampshire I encountered this Pan Am locomotive running light in the opposite direction having just entered Massachusetts...
With the sale of Pan Am Railways to CSX Transportation set to take effect next week odds are this locomotive (# 315?) probably won't be getting a badly-needed paint job anytime soon.
It was a great day to be on the Merrimack with hardly another boat in sight...
On Wednesday I stopped in at the Oxbow North boat launch at Hospital Rd. in Devens. When visited earlier in the month I found the gate locked and a construction project underway This time the gate was open and the recent work at the boat launch appeared to be complete. There's now a wheelable pathway as an alternative to carrying one's boat down the stairs...
View from the river...From the launch I paddled downriver... the Ice House Dam at the Ayer/Shirley line and then upriver past Route 2...Below the bridge I encountered a bit of a mystery. There were three large trash bags at three different locations...
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