Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Spring Gets a Toehold


River water levels have dropped half a foot in the past week as can be seen at the Egg Rock inscription above.  The drop left a fragile ice shelf reaching out from this tree...

Heading down the Concord River this past Sunday morning it quickly became apparent that large groups of birds were out and about.  Included among the robins, red-winged blackbirds, cardinals, kingfishers, was this bluebird...

...and this pair of hooded mergansers...

Trash was on the light side...

A toy soldier found at the "Holt" served as a reminder of the horrific state of affairs in Ukraine...

Had this paddler appreciating Concord's Old North Bridge a little more than usual...

 ...and realizing how fortunate we, here in America, are.

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