Rarely have I been able to so easily access Heard Pond (above) from the Sudbury River as I did on Tuesday. Most of the brambles usually encountered along the pathway were submerged making for an easy passage. The day was a classic spring beauty with not even a solitary ice cube to be found.
Plenty of red-winged blackbirds as well as mergansers, wood ducks, and a marsh hawk. Between Route 20 and Pelham Island Rd. large bird circled above...
Initially thought it to be an immature eagle but now wonder if it may have been a turkey vulture. The object of its attention appeared to be this deceased mute swan...Once back at River Rd. where I'd launched from I noticed the nearby Rt. 27 bridge was getting more work...
Trash spoke of pale ale and a cluster of "Get Well Soon" balloons...
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