Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Adios Summer 2016

Was able to get out on the Concord River today and enjoy this last afternoon of summer.  It was a beauty of a day, like so many of those preceding it.

Paddled from the Bedford Boat Launch down to where the Middlesex Turnpike formerly crossed the river (many moons ago)...

Stopped to visit the small island located in the vicinity of where H.D.T and his brother camped back in 1839...
...and found a fire circle perhaps a little more recent than theirs...

Came across a balloon that (provided the penciled date is true) has held its helium for more than 30 years...

An osprey hunted upriver from the Route 3 overpass...

Trash was about for the taking...
...and conformed to a summery theme.


Ron Haines said...

...or maybe the class of 1981 had a reunion recently?

Unknown said...

My trash hauls look a lot like yours (California rivers), but one day it might finance a trip. A friend found a sparkling ring in the Stanislaus and sold it for $3,500!