Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Playing a Hunch on the Merrimack

This morning I launched into the Merrimack River at Cashman Park in Newburyport.  Fortunately the incoming tide would be taking me away from the fog bank to the east of Route 1 (opening photo).
After crossing to the river's north side, I paddled along Ram Island and found myself thinking what a good hideout it would make for some of the 4 to 8 million plastic wastewater disks that brokeout of the Hooksett, NH wastewater treatment plant back in March 2011.  The high tide made my landing on the island fairly easy and soon I discovered quite a group of the disks "on the lam" and mingling with other assorted flotsam...

 The disks prefer to hide in the matted grass.  Can you spot them?...
For a good number of them the "gig was up".
In about half an hour this haul of plastic stuff was rounded up...
Pictured are 72 recyclable plastic containers (4 redeemable) and 210 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish including 180 of the "Hooksett Disks".  My personal collection of these disks now stands at 1307.  YTD trash count = 2446.
A considerable amount of trash remains on Ram Island.  Today's roundup hardly made a dent.
Once back on the river, I entered a small inlet to see how far it would take me...
Following some twists and turns, I reached the end of the line at this idyllic spot...
Back on the main stem of the Merrimack I proceeded upriver to the "Chain Bridge" connecting Deer Island with the mainland...
That's Route 95 in the distance.
Quite a few folks were fishing from Deer Island...
Perhaps the herring are running?
My return to Cashman Park was into a stiff onshore wind that kept things a little on the cool side.  Only a few miles inland temperatures were considerably warmer. 

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