Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Newbies on the River

The Concord River was hosting many new paddlers this past Sunday morning.  Most of the newbies were recently arrived goslings.  However, one newbie of the human variety, my granddaughter, Ava, was enjoying her first stab at kayak paddling...
With her mom (my daughter, Heather) in another kayak alongside, we paddled the Concord River from Egg Rock down to the landing at Great Meadows and also ascended the Assabet a bit to the Leaning Hemlocks.
We saw blue herons, red-winged blackbirds, a pair of red-tailed hawks, an osprey, and  numerous painted turtles. We also scooped up a few pieces of trash.
The look on Ava's face pretty much says it all!

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