Monday, October 17, 2011

Shawsheen River - Little Bit More in Tewksbury

This afternoon's drive home from work was early enough to allow for paddling another small piece of the Shawsheen River in Tewksbury.  Similar to last Wednesday I launched behind the Knights of Columbus building on Route 38.  However this time I headed downstream and found the river to be higher and flowing faster than last week.  The house pictured at left looked as though it may have seen one too many flooding episodes in recent years.  It is located a little upstream of Bridge Street.
I had hoped to make it down to where the power lines cross, but upon reaching the Mill Street bridge, turning around seemed the safer and easier option rather than passing through the box culvert...
Sliding over whatever was in there looked possible but paddling back through may not have been.  A portage would have been the best option but it was getting late in the afternoon.

On the way down to this point I'd seen a red-tailed hawk, several small groups of mallards, and a brief glimpse of a red fox.

Trash encountered was mostly floatable plastic containers snagged behind branches or in backwaters.  My haul for this trip was 36 pieces of trash...
There were 28 recyclable containers (10 redeemable) and 8 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish such as plastic bags, a balloon, and a magic marker.  My YTD total stands at 5769.


Michael Procacini said...
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Al said...

Michael, Thanks for dropping in and sharing your local knowledge regarding the house and box culvert. It is a very nice section of the Shawsheen River.