Friday, March 19, 2010

Sudbury River-Little Farms to Power Lines & Back

Today's original plan was to say "farewell" to Old Man Winter while paddling the waters of Lake Cochituate. While the ice is gone and open water beckons, the gate to the launch area was being kept closed by DCR.
So, it was back to Little Farms Road in Framingham and another foray amongst the flotsam that continues its seemingly endless parade downriver. In just a little over a mile of river 174 pieces of trash were retrieved. It brokedown as 88 recyclable containers (30 redeemable) and 86 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish such as styrofoam cups, paper plates, plastic bags, etc. My YTD total stands at 1136. Pictured are the disgorged contents of my ship's hold...

Conditions today were ideal and other critters enjoying the river were wood ducks, small woodpeckers, and a mink.
By the way, I did let Old Man Winter know that he needn't hurry back!

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