Monday, October 10, 2011

Assabet River - Egg Rock to Damonmill Dam

Today, yet another beautiful day provided ideal conditions for an ascent of the Assabet River from Egg Rock to Damonmill (pictured at left).  I began my ascent near mid-morning and was surprised to find relatively few boaters on the Assabet, considering it being a holiday.  The journey upstream went smoothly and provided encounters with belted kingfishers, Muscovy ducks, and Canada geese.  The trees are just beginning to show some color...
Once upstream of Concord Junction, things began to get a little more challenging due to some new blowdowns and some relocated older blowdowns. 
I watched as these 3 canoeists deftly threaded their Mad River Explorer through some horizontal trees...

As I approached Rt. 62 in Damondale, I wondered how close to the dam I could make it...
After passing under the bridge I was, first, treated to this view of the mill building...

and then worked a little to get within site of the breached dam...

I turned around here with 65 pieces of trash onboard and began the swift ride downriver.
By the time I passed Egg Rock my trash count was up to 86 pieces and they enjoyed some drying time in the afternoon sun...
Today's load brokedown as follows: 41 recyclable containers (11 redeemable) and 45 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish such as styrofoam cups, plastic bags, nip bottles, a light bulb, and what looks like a radiator overflow tank from someone's car.  My YTD total stands at 5616.

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