Sunday, July 2, 2017

July's Frosty Start

Yesterday being the first Saturday of the month could only mean one thing...Denise Hurt and the New Hampshire Appalachian Mountain Club Paddlers would be kicking-off July with a Trash Patrol.  So, on an appropriately steamy summer's morn a dozen paddle-propelled boats launched into the Mighty Merrimack from Frost Road Park in Tyngsboro, and headed out in pairs...

Most of the recovered trash went into deck-mounted plastic crates.  However some items, such as this plastic trash barrel, required custom rigging...

At the patrol's conclusion folks went about separating the recyclables from the rubbish and tallying-up the haul...
Recovered from the river were the following:
227 recyclable plastic or glass containers, 343 pieces of rubbish which included 5 automobile tires, a large Styrofoam block, 2 plastic 55-gallon drums, 1 plastic trash barrel, 5 syringes, and 11 "Hookset Disks". 

The disks seen below as "cash on the barrel" are some of the more than 4 million released from an upriver wastewater treatment plant into the Merrimack on a stormy March night back in 2011...

Post-patrol the group enjoyed an early July 4th cookout at Frost Park alongside the bend in the Merrimack...

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