Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Nashua River on Point

Got a nice view of Mt. Wachusett on my way to the Nashua River in Harvard, MA yesterday afternoon.

Paddled upriver from the Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge to a small island with a tiny chapel... 

Parking for the chapel...

Came across this tree and tire locked in matrimony...

There's a brook in here somewhere...
The high water levels allowed me to venture about a mile from the Nashua towards the Still River.

Back on the Nashua's main stem trash was backing up...
 ...and resulted in a good haul of plastic...
One interesting find was a bow hunter's arrow; not just an ordinary arrow but a carbon shaft arrow equipped with a Wasp Jak-Hammer SST broadhead.  Looking online this one arrow/tip would have cost someone about $15. 

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