Thursday, March 31, 2016

Heard on a Hunch

Yesterday's "Bring your boat to work day" resulted in an after-work opportunity for enjoying springtime water levels on the Sudbury River in Wayland.
After launching at River Road I checked out the Route 27 bridge (opening photo) which was sporting freshly installed guardrails.  Seeing this much water, I elected to follow the river's original path through the old stone-arch bridge...
...which brought me in slingshot fashion back to the river's main stem.

Playing a hunch that Heard Pond might be accessible I decided to head upriver against the current and the wind.  Things looked good at Pelham Island Road Bridge...

Two other kayakers heading downriver were encountered near this spot.

Reaching the entrance to Heard Pond near Indian Point, I found only a beaver-created speedbump blocking my path...
...rather than this insurmountable wall found here last December...

Once over the bump I followed the circuitous path to the large natural pond...
 ...where the shallow waters were being plied by 3 fishing crafts of various types.  One fisherman in a kayak reported the fishing to be still slow, but all were in agreement on weather conditions being fantastic for late March.

My trip back downriver was a quick one with the current and wind now at my back.  At the Greenways I slowed a bit to note a green tinge beginning to appear...

The afternoon's sunshine was also being enjoyed by this south-facing turtle...

Trash recovered along the way...

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