Early this morning I headed down the Millers River from the Alan E. Rich Environmental Park in Athol. The day was warming fast with temperatures near 90 degrees F. expected.
Shortly after passing under the Pan Am Railways bridge (photo at left) a westbound freight train temporarily disrupted the morning's tranquility. I made it back to the bridge but not in time to see the train's locomotives...
Trash was found floating behind snags in the river and in one spot hanging from a tree...
Wonder if the person who left this thought of it as putting the trash out at the curb.
One piece of trash bore the image of commando James "Bucky" Barnes...
...whoever he is. Wasn't sure what might happen once he got thrown in with the others. Happy to report no problem.
My downriver trip ended after about 5 miles in the town of Orange where there's a dam...
Just upriver from the dam is the town's beautiful Riverside Park created from a "Brownfields" site.
On my trip back upriver to Athol I encountered this racing canoe moving along at a good clip...
...perhaps they're training for next month's Adirondack Canoe Classic aka the 90-Miler.
Another racing canoe encountered was being paddled by Dave who lives on the banks of the Millers River...
...and has completed the General Clinton aka 70-Miler 25 times.
This portal under the railroad tracks looked inviting...
...with a good fishing spot on the other side.
The morning's trash haul spilled forth...
...and the coffee cup on the right says "Share your Dunkin' story" story so here goes... "On a dark and Styrofoam night..."
Let us hope this will be the year DD wakes up, smells the coffee, and stops the proliferation of Styrofoam throughout our environment?
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