Friday, December 6, 2013

A Spot on a Map

That's how it starts for me...just a spot on a map.  Well, actually it begins by scanning Google Maps (terrain and satellite views) looking for a stretch of water that might have escaped civilization.  If something seems to fit that bill, I next visit the University of New Hampshire Library's online collection of Historic United States Geological Survey (USGS) maps of New England and NY covering the 1890s to 1950s.  The map pictured above is from a USGS map dated 1940 and shows a section of the East Branch Ware River wending its way between and around some hills in a part of Massachusetts once known to Native Americans as Naquag.  A comparison of the new and older maps revealed that little has changed in this area over the years thanks in large part to the Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife having created the Savage Hill Wildlife Management Area, thus preserving 452 acres to the east.
More online research found mention of a canoe launch, and yesterday I decided to scout the location for a possible future exploration by boat.  The launch was found and looked quite inviting...

Because this location is about 5.5 miles southwest of Mount Wachusett I was hoping to see its 2,000 foot high peak looming on the horizon.  However with yesterday's low-hanging cloud cover there was little chance of that happening.
I next drove north to where the river passes under Route 62 and found nearby a small parking area for the Savage Hill WMA...

Hmmm...could this provide a trail along the river?  Donning my blaze orange hat and grabbing my camera, I followed this nice trail along an old stonewall...
Savage Hill ascends steeply to the left and the East Branch Ware River lies to the right.  Lots of fog, a chipmunk, and a pileated woodpecker were also enjoying the area.  Then to my right a splash was heard and I saw this fellow looking in my direction...
Just an otter doing what he oughta and asking "Where's your boat?"

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