The photo at left shows a few bits of blue sky that briefly appeared between bouts of snow flurries and rain showers. It also shows a full milk crate resulting from a bumper crop of trash that floated out from the shrubbery and gave my brakes a good workout.
The past week's rainstorm and snow melt resulted in much higher water levels, as the Egg Rock inscription shows...
Not much text showing.
Boats usually resting on solid ground were now left to deal with the rising levels as best they could...
Finally reaching Fairhaven Bay, I found the bay still iced over and there would be no hot cocoa break on a wintry looking Brooke Island...
Enroute to the bay, the following wildlife were seen: mallards, Canada geese, a northern harrier, a red-tailed hawk, and common mergansers.
Back at the takeout, my day's catch chilled-out...
There were 57 recyclable containers (43 redeemable) and 43 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish including a 1-gallon plastic jug with about a half-quart of oil in it, bait tubs, plastic bags, a balloon, and 2 empty cans of spray paint. YTD = 415
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