Monday, April 30, 2012

Full Ahead Slow on the Assabet River

Before ascending the lower 2 miles of the Assabet River this afternoon, I checked the inscription at Egg Rock to record today's water level.  Though the level has begun to drop again, it remains at an ideal level for paddling.
The blustery winds of the past few days were much tamer and temperatures were in the low 60's.
In addition to the usual wood ducks, mallards, belted kingfishers, and musquashes, there were these very recent additions to Team Assabet...
Ma and Pa seemed very proud and didn't mind my presence at all.

At the last blowdown before turning around, I encountered a floating television picture tube snagged by some loose wires.  Noting how nicely it floated, and since my direction would be with the current I decided to become a tug boat captain and tow it to the Concord DPW yard. Whereas yesterday when paddling in the Run of the Charles I asked my boat for all ahead full at maximum rpms, today it was all ahead slow at minimum rpm.

Pictured is the picture tube and other trash du jour...
There were 10 recyclable containers (2 redeemable) and 22 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish such as plastic bags, styrofoam cups, a pillow, and the aforementioned picture tube.  YTD = 2190

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