Most folks would agree that working the 'graveyard' shift doesn't have too many advantages. However, this morning I was able to enjoy one of the few. Precisely, not having to report to work till 10:30 pm and thus be able to enjoy being on the river this beautiful morning. The view at left is looking down the Concord River from a point near the Two Brothers Rocks in Bedford.
I had launched at the Rt. 225 bridge in Bedford where there is this informative kiosk...
It's been a while since I last launched at this location, so I'm not sure how long the kiosk has been up.
The trip downriver was very pleasant with a nice refreshing breeze out of the north.
Blue herons were numerous...
Approaching the Rt. 4 bridge, things got a little more civilized...
From this point to Fox Island, there are houses along both sides of the river and almost all of them have a boat, dock, and small beach.
Upon reaching the island, I orbited it and passed this rock on it's east side...
I suppose this rock would remember if this was, in fact, the island where the Thoreau brothers setup camp on the first night of their 1839 Concord and Merrimack journey. If this really is the spot, it might be worthy of a commemorative plaque.
It was approaching the noon hour when I began heading back upriver to my takeout location.
Today's trash haul of 91 pieces posed for a photo during a leg-stretching break on the return trip...
Most of this trash was recovered from 3 shore raids near the 2 bridges. The breakdown: 39 recyclable containers (4 redeemable) and 52 pieces of miscellaneous rubbish such as styrofoam cups, plastic bags, many scratch tickets, some kind of iron box, and a fairly new boat fender. My YTD total stands at 2904.
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