Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sudbury River - Route 62 to Martha's Point and Back

Trash patrolled the Sudbury River this morning up to Martha's Point and back.  Cloudy and cool at outset then sunny, windy, and warm at finish.
River levels have remained high for quite some time now.  Most of today's trash was encountered between the MBTA commuter rail bridge and the Sudbury Road causeway.
Wildlife seen this morning were mallards, Canada geese , red-winged blackbirds, tree swallows, red-tailed hawks, turkey vultures, and a couple of musquashes.  Also  saw two guys in a racing canoe getting in some training (perhaps for the upcoming Run of the Charles?)
My haul for the day was 83 pieces of trash.  The breakdown was as follows: 35 recyclable (13 redeemable) and 48 pieces of misc. rubbish such as plastic bags, styrofoam cups, a fertilizer bag, and bait tubs.  Pretty much the usual.  YTD total stands at 1493. 


Lis said...

That's one heck of a count given its only April. Was on top of Wachusett yesterday where a whole family was tossing their empty packages into the wind to watch them fly. Shocked and horrified, I approached the father to ask why they would do this? His response was that it was fun. Amazing. The level of trash up there from people like that was horrifying. Very sad to see it. There are whole generations like that out there now.

Al said...

"Sad indeed" said while looking at the ground and shaking my head from side to side. Hopefully your asking him why will cause him to re-think.