Recent rains had the river flowing well but nothing close to the kind of conditions where these devices would be required.
Heading back downriver I passed these two bridges and noticed a sign saying "Sudbury Landing"...
Looked all over but saw nothing that even remotely looked like a boat landing. The older of the two bridges did have some benches on it. Great blue herons and belted kingfishers were seen in this vicinity.
Arriving back at Little Farms Road, I unloaded the haul from the upstream section and then, with an empty boat, relaunched and headed downriver. I paddled under the MWRA aquaduct and around the end of the old stone bridge and began seeing numerous wood ducks and also an oriole. The sky was changing back and forth between short breaks of sun and ominous looking clouds as I neared my turnaround point, the Power Lines...
Heading back upriver, I paddled close to the shore to recover a plastic bottle and noticed this stone marker...
It looked very old and perhaps is marking the Sudbury/Wayland border.
From this point to my takeout location the sun was gaining ground and temperatures were rising fast. Today's trash haul is reflected in the following two photos. The first is the upstream haul between Little Farms and Concord Street and and the second is from Little Farms to the Power Lines.
The trash count for both was 113 pieces. Of these 66 were recyclabe (18 redeemable) and 47 were miscellaneous rubbish such as styrofoam, plastic bags, balloons, a squirt gun, and a baseball bat. My YTD total stands at 1778.
Regarding the boundary post:
Perhaps you can find it on >
Sudbury,Ma.Us/MapsOnline <.
Anonymous, Checked the maps (GIS) you suggested and it appears that this stone marks the spot where Sudbury, Wayland, and Framingham come together. Looking at the photo, there appears to be a third side which most likely has an 'F' for Framingham. Closest road would be Eddy Street in Sudbury. Paddled by this spot many times but never noticed the stone before.
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