Returning to the river's main channel, I paddled over to the boathouse for the Old Manse...
This is the view looking towards the rear of the Old Manse from the boathouse dock...
Next, I approached the replica of the 'rude bridge that arched the flood'...
This location will be fairly busy in about 10 days or so when the events that occurred here 234 years ago are remembered once again.
At Flint's Bridge, construction workers were busy working on the bridge repair project. I would later retrieve one of their hard-hats about a half mile downriver. Trash began to pick up downstream of the bridge. Most of the trash was on the east side of the river and was only accessible because of the high water levels. By the time I reached the Great Meadows Landing, I had more than 80 pieces of trash either under of or on top of my deck. While in amongst the trees, I did surprise a few wood ducks.
There were several other boaters on the river today. The triyak motored by and later Leon G. and two fellow kayakers paddled by as they returned from their trip to Fairhaven Bay.
A little ways before reaching Ball's Hill I turned around and began the pleasant trip back upstream. On the way, I encountered a belted kingfisher near Flint's Bridge.
Arriving at my takeout location my trash count for the day was 119. There were 45 pieces of rubbish and 74 bottles/cans. Of these, 26 were redeemable. It is often difficult to determine the redeemables because the deposit information is on the plastic label and most of the labels are missing. After disembarking my ship, the motley group posed in the sun for this portrait...
My YTD total stands at 1131.
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