Monday, June 29, 2015

A Spiked Sudbury

Under today's mostly cloudy skies I ventured upriver on the Sudbury starting from River Road in Wayland.  Water levels are rising as a result of Sunday's rain storm.

Once past Route 20, the old Central Mass Railroad trestle looked like it had been converted to a rail trail when actually the rails are still spiked in place...

A belted kingfisher chattered nearby...

Aside from trash found near the boat launch the river was found mostly trash-free until past Heard Pond where snags such as this acted as flotsam collectors...
About a half mile beyond the Power Lines fallen trees effectively block further navigation... I began my return trip seeing one other kayaker along the way.

Downriver, between Wayland High School and the Greenways, I encountered this spike deer swimming across the river...

...and watched him emerge on the other side...
Busy times for deer lately.

Heading back to River Road patches of blue sky were seen to the north...

Trash removed from the river...


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