Sunday, December 1, 2024

Navigable Again


This past Monday morning I was encouraged see more water and less sand in the Assabet River (photo above) and wondered how far upriver I might make it from West Concord, MA.  It was the first time since September that I paddled this stretch, and on that previous occasion I was more aground than afloat.  The USGS gauge in Maynard showed the river there being above 2 feet.  Thankfully most of the sandbars and many of the rocks were once again submerged...

...thus allowing me a slow and steady ascent upriver to just below Damonmill...

...before I turned about and enjoyed the easy ride with the current down to Route 2...

On Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, I paddled on the Sudbury River upstream from Route 20 in Wayland, MA.  Similar to the Assabet in Concord this section of the Sudbury gets very shoaly during prolonged dry spells.  However, the additional rain we received on Thanksgiving Day provided just enough water for it to be navigable.  Skies were changeable and a bit dramatic at times...

A hawk watched over things...
...and a heron enjoyed the low-angle rays...

At times skies brightened...

A vintage cream-top milk bottle was found floating near the entry to Heard Pond.  Judging from its faded label, I believe it is from Twin Maple Farm which was located a few miles upriver in Saxonville...

Back near Route 20 a rain swollen Hop Brook was rushing through a culvert beneath the old Central Mass Railroad grade...

It was quite appropriate that these beneficial rain events coincided with our Thanksgiving Holiday and for that I'm most thankful.  This modified version of the old expression is true..."you don't miss your water 'til your river runs dry".  Hopefully the drought relief will be more than just a temporary reprieve.

Some trash found Monday along the Assabet...

Friday's trash from the Sudbury...

Aside from the lack of rain, I can't complain about our now concluded meteorological fall.  Meteorological winter now begun will probably be a whole other story (knocking on wood as I say this).


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