Sunday, December 17, 2023

December's Waning Days


The number of days and hours of daylight are fast dwindling as we enter the last half of December.  Water levels in the rivers remain healthy as could be seen at the Egg Rock inscription in Concord, MA on Tuesday.  A visit to the Powdermill Dam in Acton (about 6 miles upriver) on Monday showed a generous flow following Sunday night's deluge...

The high water allowed paddling to spots amidst the trees, and far from the river's main channel such as this split rock...

Went up as far as Barrett's Farm before turning around and riding the swift current back.

Arrived back at the Lowell Road boat launch to find this pileated woodpecker oblivious to anything other than the nest hole it was creating...


On a sunny and relatively warm Friday I paddled the Nashua River starting from the Oxbow N.W.R. in Harvard, MA.  Went upriver about 3 miles to the bank-to-bank blockage before turning about and riding the Nashua's flow back down...

Trash saw an uptick due to the higher water levels, and more than a few plastic containers were seen drifting downriver "going with the flow".  The trash from the lower Assabet River...

Friday's trash from the Nashua River...

...included another 109 miniatures (aka "nip" bottles).

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