Tuesday, August 3, 2021

We Have Liftoff!


Yesterday morning I paddled to the Assabet River eagles nest for my 10th visit since first seeing an eaglet's head in the nest back in mid-May.   Upon my arrival I heard the previously non-fledged eaglet calling out, most likely for food.  A short time later one adult eagle and the fledged eaglet glided towards the nest...

With both eaglets vying for space in the small nest I watched as jostling ensued (perhaps over food) and the 2 eaglets fell to the ground.   The adult remained by the nest and called to the pair...

The fledged eaglet soon appeared 4 trees over from the nest tree on a low limb and called out...

After awhile the previously unfledged eaglet appeared in the same tree and the 2 eaglets reunited (opening photo)...thus proving that both eaglets can now fly.  What I wouldn't give to know what they were saying to each other.

The river level had dropped enough to allow access through the box culvert into Fort Meadow Brook ...

...allowing a short trip up brook to the old trestle...

This brookside flower enjoyed the early morning sunshine...

This green heron was also encountered along the Assabet...

A small amount of trash...

On my way back downriver I again passed by the eagles nest and noted one eaglet had returned, and appeared to be patiently awaiting the next food delivery...

It won't be long now before the eagle family leaves the area and the nest will once again sit silent and empty.  I have greatly enjoyed the privilege of being able to watch the whole nesting process... something I never would have expected to occur in my local area.  

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