Monday, July 19, 2021

All Terrain Eaglet


Checked in on the Assabet Eaglets this morning when it was only drizzling as opposed to our steadier daily rains of late.  The eaglet pictured above is the one that fledged about 9 days ago.  

When the adult eagle entered the nest-area airspace with a food delivery for the nest, the fledged eaglet took flight and seemed to be racing the parent to the nest.  Later when the adult left the nest with its signature swoop down to near ground level, the eaglet seemed to imitate the adult and did its own swoop which included a two-point landing and walkabout...

Because the Canada geese that usually occupy the meadow where he landed have either left the area (or been eaten), the eaglet came up empty.  However, this eaglet's world keeps expanding as it is now proficient at both landing and taking off from the ground...

The eaglet's former nest-mate remains close to the nest, apparently still yet to fledge...

The siblings stay a socially distanced four trees from each other...

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