Monday, December 21, 2020

Snowy Solstice Preview


Wasn't expecting the snow shower (above) encountered on Musketaquid waters yesterday...but that's what I got...and it was a treat to paddle in.  The weather forecast had called for temps above freezing and possible rain showers.

Before the snow there was plenty of the white stuff remaining from Thursday's storm as was seen at Egg Rock...

The inscription at Egg Rock stood solstice-ready...

...and the Assabet River looked inviting...

...though the recent cold temperatures left iced-over areas at Willow Island...

Light snow began falling as I headed down the Concord River and approached the Old North Bridge...
...which quickly became heavier below Monument Street...

This blue heron couldn't have been more stoic in his one-legged stand...

The shed at Saw Mill Brook...

a closer look...

Returning upriver required paddling through what I believe were coalesced snowflakes that swirled with the currents creating some interesting patterns...

I would have guessed the snowflakes would melt upon contact with the water.  The swirling phenomenon was one I'd never seen before.

Got off the water with there still being another 14 hours before today's pre-dawn Winter Solstice...

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