Monday, January 2, 2017

Fairhaven First

My plan was to kick off 2017 with some paddling on tidal waters, but that changed with a weather forecast predicting another day of gusty winds.  Instead, my modified plan called for checking the Sudbury River's Fairhaven Bay to see if it was completely iced over...or if I might be able to enjoy a hot cocoa break on its Brooke Island.

As the opening photo of the Elm Street bridge shows, shelter from the day's busy northwest breeze could be found in places.

The new year's first piece of trash was this empty glass bottle...
...that once held "Millers High Life".

The Sudbury River was still open water past Rt. 2, past Heath's Bridge, and even past Martha's Point.  But then, 3.5 miles above Egg Rock, I encountered a sheet of white covering Fairhaven Bay...

Little Brooke Island, where I intended to sip some hot cocoa in the sun, can be seen to the far right in this photo... close and yet so far.

Instead a suitable spot for taking cocoa was found along the base of Fairhaven Ridge and then, with the question of the day now answered, I returned downriver to Egg Rock.

The rock's inscription is getting closer to the water and that's a good sign...

The new year's first trash haul...

Oh, and by the way, I hope we all have a good new year and leave any thoughts of "enemies" for some other occasion.

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