Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stop Signs on the Charles

On Tuesday, work left me near Medfield and the meadows section of the Charles River.  Shortly I'd dropped my boat into the river at Old Bridge Street and headed upriver from there (photo at left)...enjoying a beauty of an afternoon and some fine scenery. 

As I approached Rt. 109 I came across two submerged signs laying in the muck.  The first was a realtor's...
 ...while the second was more river-related...
Subsequently, I found the kayak rental operation had been located on Rt. 109 and, unfortunately, is no longer in business.   Great slogan, don't you think?

Reaching the confluence with the Stop River, I chose the path less traveled and ascended the Stop...hoping to possibly make it to Devilsfoot Island.  However, I'd gone only a short distance before my progress came to a screeching halt thanks to some "wall building" beavers...
 ...who'd blocked both portals under Causeway Street.  Electing not to portage, Devilsfoot would have to wait until another occasion.

Once back at Old Bridge Street the afternoon sunshine illuminated a bit of foliage by the railroad trestle...

Besides the signs, and the smallest beach-chair I've ever seen, there was very little trash (perhaps a good sign?)...

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